Dazzle patterns are changing the sheets.
Radiators rattle dazzle and leak.
Cups crowd themselves in dazzle patterns on nightstands.
Nightstands, which are themselves a sort of dazzle plan.
This partner feels like habitual night’s stand.
A moving van is a dazzle plan.
Like lake is a desert is dazzle is camouflage.
My job is a dazzle pattern.
Like my resignation letter will be a dazzle pattern.
I’ll dot dazzle eyes and cross.
One main rez road is a dazzle pattern.
Directions from Dulce follow dazzle patterns.
Dazzled patterns are found in manuscript.
Wanting to write a book is a dazzle plan.
Fingers, which are dazzle patterned trace maps of dazzled patterns.
This economy, dear god this economy is a dazzle pattern.
Butter drips down cast iron lip is a dazzle pattern.
Large birds and vaulted ceilings are dazzle patterns.
Dazzle patterns are found between tenure tracks and disposable income.
Old white neighbors are dazzling patterns.
And sunned warm hair is a dazzle pattern.
Laying my awkward neck in love’s lap is a dazzle pattern.
Please god, no more urgent deaths.